Saturday, April 06, 2013

Colorado a Model for Gun Control

President Obama once again blew a million or two dollars on a trip to my state to pitch his anti-freedom agenda. This time, it was to gin up support for gun control by visiting the usual gang of idiots in Denver. On April 3, 2013, Obama declared that “…Colorado [is] a model for passing tough new gun control…”.
Colorado is a model all right. It’s a model for stupid, unconstitutional, unenforceable gun control laws passed in haste by Democratic legislators with fact-free opinions on guns. Here’s some info on these laws.
·       HB 1224 limits ammo magazines to 15 rounds. But it also bans magazines modifiable to more than 15 rounds, which includes many magazines of 15 rounds or less. In addition, a person must have “continuous control” of a magazine. This can be interpreted to mean that if you hand an empty magazine to a friend or relative, you’ve committed a crime.
·       HB 1229 charges gun buyers for the cost of background checks. I don’t think middle class or wealthy people will find that particularly onerous. But poorer people, who are subject to the most crime, will find it that much harder to get a weapon for self defense. If you think that police can protect everybody everywhere and nobody needs a gun, maybe you think that the fire department can keep your house from catching fire, too.
·       HB 1229 expands background checks to all sales, including private ones. This is completely unenforceable. The alleged shooter of Colorado’s corrections chief Tom Clements got the gun used from a woman who bought the gun legally. Police say she transferred the gun to Evan Ebel. Do you think that this law would have prompted her to tell Ebel to get a background check first? If you do, perhaps you’ve been enjoying too many of the now-legal Colorado ciggies.
Another Colorado model is Rep. Diana DeGette, one of the dimmest stars of the Democratic Party, and a pusher of federal freedom-limiting gun laws. In a single forum on anti-gun rights laws, she said at least three idiotic things. First, she blissfully blathered that ammo magazines are bullets that get used up. A bit later, she had a dialog with a senior citizen who was asking why he couldn’t have a large magazine for a gun if a heavily-armed bad guy broke into his home. She first told him that the police were mere minutes away. (We know, of course, that when seconds count, minutes might as well be years.) Then, Rep. DeGette then politely told the man “You’d be dead anyway if [the bad guy] had that kind of firepower”. Hmm. This sounds like an admission that bad guys will still be able to get big firepower, but law-abiding citizens won’t. And it’s condescending, insulting, fact-free, stupid and typical of DeGette’s ilk. Diana DeGette doesn’t represent my district, but I will give at least a few bucks to whoever opposes her next year.


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