Thursday, September 20, 2012

Solution to the Obesity Problem in U.S.

Obesity among Americans is in the news again. Dr. Oz recently called obesity the greatest threat to U.S. national security. Everybody’s getting fatter, it seems. Of course, those who think that government can actually solve problems want politicians and bureaucrats to do something.
For once, I think that these people are right. I think the government should do something, and I have the perfect plan. We know that ObamaCare will make health care much more expensive and much less effective, because government programs always cost more and give worse service than private solutions. Therefore, let’s take advantage of the Law of Unintended Consequences. Let’s create ObamaCare for food. We’ll call it ObamaFare. Food will become much more expensive. Supplies of it will become uncertain.

People will be forced to eat less. Obesity problem solved.

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