The Disaster of Obamacare
Obamacare’s web site,, was rolled out on October 1, 2013. It was an immediate
disaster. The utter failure of the web portal is only part of the catastrophe.
(More about that is available here:
The real calamity is the program itself – the devastating effect it is having
on health care in this country.
This program consists of two
laws: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and the Health Care and
Education Reconciliation Act. Together these comprise 961 pages of legalese. In
addition, there are approximately 10,535
pages in the 109 additional regulations created by unelected bureaucrats.
This program is already reaping an ill harvest. Many people who were happy with their actually affordable health care plans are losing them, because Obamacare imposes a certain set of features that these plans lack. Many medical plans are dropping doctors. The Prevaricator-in-Chief has told us repeatedly that we’ll be allowed to keep our plans and doctors if we like them. (Cue the Knickerbockers: "Lies!") Obama’s administration knew in 2010 that 93 million Americans would lose their plans. The Bystander-in-Chief may not have known about this, since he doesn’t seem to be actually in charge of anything he’s in charge of.
Those who actually were able to register on have often found that new Obamacare-approved plans cost much more than what they had before. They are also finding that their deductibles will be very high. The new plans have a one-size-fits-all template. For example, any plan that doesn’t offer family planning or maternity care – even if the would-be client is a man, or is a woman in her 60s – is verboten by Obamacare.
Obamacare is a Government with Guns Ponzi (GGPS) scheme, like Social Security and Medicare. Obamacare robs younger, healthier people to subsidize older, sicker people. It ignores all laws of economics, and is hence driving health care costs higher and will probably end with fewer people having health care coverage than did before this web of deceit, privacy theft and power-grabbing was passed by a partisan congress.
Obamacare is to health care what is to software development: a disaster.
There is a solution to this train wreck. It’s called free market medicine. In a free market, suppliers of a good or service compete with each other, spurring innovation and lower prices.
Unfortunately, even before
Obamacare, there was no free market in most of medicine. About 60% of the money
spent on medical care comes from government
programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare and the VA, per Wikipedia.
These programs subsidize the prices paid by the recipients. Therefore, the real
costs have to be made up by those who do not receive care via these entitlement
programs. Also, the artificially low prices paid by those on government
programs increase demand. Medical care entitlement is one of the most
significant factors in rising costs.
Some of medicine is relatively free-market. Laser eye surgery, for example, isn’t covered by “entitlements” or most health plans. People have to pay for this kind of procedure themselves. Therefore, this field is very competitive. The cost has gone down from thousands of dollars to hundreds of dollars, and the process has become easier on patients.
All medical care should be
provided by the free market. That is the only way to keep costs down and to
ensure that people get what they need.
Labels: medical care, ObamaCare